Atlanta, GA (The Joy of Food) — Hell is real guys and it’s called Krystal, White Castle’s equally offensive southern brethren.
Part of the menu here is called ‘Sackfuls’ which sound like something that should convert into an emergency pair of underpants. Sackfuls are actually dangerous pre-portioned packs of gut grenades that bomb you from the inside out. Since Krystal is all about tiny hamburgers, the idea is that you can eat 800 of them in one sitting.
I’m still not convinced that what I ate was really food. The top of my Krystal mountain was three little burgers, a place filled with loneliness, despair, and impending gastrointestinal distress. When you put one of these in front of your face, you’re hit with a tsunami of smell: a thin patty made of questionable meat product subvert by a collection of grilled onions hiding underneath. The noxious fumes are eerily similar to the stench of sewage.
Feature parity with White Castle is pretty close, except here they add a smidge of mustard. I’ve gotta say, this does wonders to offset the rank onion taste while you chew. The bread, an element that makes up most of the ‘burger,’ by the way, is smushy and small, in places super soft and in others it’s like vulcanized rubber.
Since this is the south, there’s some semblance of hospitality, and the location is clean, tidy, and bright, unlike any White Castle I’ve ever seen which could be mistaken for an outhouse. An alarming amount of food will cost you about 12 cents, but you’ll pay for it later. Don’t do it.

Written by Joy
Thanks for reading. The Joy of Food blog celebrates eating well, traveling often, and living la dolce vita. San Diego, California is home base, but thoughts are from all over. Reviews and photos help to highlight wonderful (or not) food experiences from around the world.
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